It has long been an established fact that high performance in strength sports is very closely correlated with well thought out nutrition. Adequate protein, fats and carbohydrates are required for cellular repair, neural excitation and muscular energy. What seems to have escaped all the “sports dietitians” out there, is that the PERFECT combination of these macronutrients resides in the humble hamburger. Often classed as a ‘sometimes food’, the mixture of beef, bread, salad and cheese found in the ubiquitous burger hits the synergistic spot when it comes to refuelling, or indeed pre-fuelling, for the gruelling training regime required to excel in powerlifting.
Fortuitously, the ultimate expression of perfection in the realm of Burgerheim is contained within the rapturous creations of Hashtag Burgers and Waffles. You’ll note in the name, that their skill and support of your force creating capabilities isn’t limited to burgers, as they also make waffles, cheese toasties dripping with the cheese of 1000 cows and various other snacks oozing with the lifeblood of your future greatness: calories. As they say, calories maketh the man. By this, they obviously meant person, but most of the archaic sayings that litter the English language were obviously first uttered in less enlightened and probably underfed times.
In addition, you’ll find the thing that separates a tolerable burger establishment (say, McDonald’s) from a great one, is the people. Also, onion rings on the burgers. But mostly the people, and in this regard, Hashtag Burgers and Waffles will always exceed your expectations. Also, you can get chips on your burger, and there’s one with peanut butter and jelly too, if you’re feeling adventurous, or you just like to live on the wild side as a matter of course. But yeah, the people. They care about your performance, they care about your health, both physical and mental, and they probably donate to worthy charities as well. I have no evidence of this, but it’s probably true.
So as you can see, the official food of Below Parallel will not only lift your 1RMs, but will probably enhance almost every aspect of your life. If you’re a member of BP, just flash your tag (or use the code we’ve sent to your email for delivery orders) for a 10% discount. They even care about your financial health. What can’t they do? Disappoint you, that’s what.